Wedding Welcome Bag Series: #1 Welcome Bags? Yes or No

The big question is: Do I have to make Welcome Bags for all your wedding guests. This is not an easy answer. The short answer is No, you do not NEED to make Welcome Bags, however, it is appreciated.

First, let’s define what is a Welcome Bag:

It is essentially a goodie bag given to your guests as a Thank You for Coming as well as a way to deliver more information to your guests which can make their lives easier.

Here are a few questions to help you decide to make Welcome Bags or not:

  1. Can you afford an additional $10+ per guest?  These bags don’t have to break the bank, but even a simple bag can start at $10 per guest. Multiply that by 30, 50, or even 100 bags, and it adds up quickly! When doing the math, plan on making one bag per couple (or per hotel room).
  2. Are there items your guests NEED when they arrive to the hotel?   Whether it’s a Schedule of Events or map, think about whether your guests need key items in hand right when they arrive. Welcome bags can be a convenient way to get them everything they need, no fuss.
  3. Will it be easy to deliver your Welcome Bags to guests?  If all guests are staying at the same hotel, handing out bags can be a breeze. But if they’re spread out, consider passing bags out at the welcome reception instead!

If you answered “Yes” to all these questions, then you probably should make Welcome Bags. Check out our “Best Things to Put in your Island Welcome Bag” blog post. Here are some things to think about before you start buying your things:

  1. It is a nice gesture to provide a “Thank You for Coming” letter for your Welcome Bag. Your bags should always include a Welcome Letter that Thanks people for coming but also includes contact information, helpful tips for the area (places to eat, things to do, where to get cash exchanged, etc) and the Schedule of Events with a map.
  2. The cost of your bags will depend on a few things: 1. What you will put in them. 2.Will you provide one bag per person or one per family/couple? 3. What can you bring to your destination vs buy locally at your destination? By adding items like “Hang-over Kits”, local snacks, inflatable water toys, bottled water, then you can keep costs low while making a big impact.
  3. Depending on when your guests are arriving and where they are staying, Welcome Bag delivery might get burdensome. If everyone is staying at the same hotel then it will be much easier, but if they are scattered then you might need to hand them out at the Welcome Reception instead. Check out the “Tips on How to Deliver your Welcome Bags” blog post for tips and tricks to ensure your guests receive their bags when they arrive.

If you decide that a Welcome Bag is not needed, then at the very least consider providing your guests with a Welcome Letter (as stated above) that thanks people for coming but also includes contact information, helpful tips for the area (places to eat, things to do, where to get cash exchanged, etc) and the Schedule of Events with a map. This could be emailed to each guest a couple days before they arrive or it can be at their hotel upon arrival. We spell out what should be included in the Welcome Letter in our “What to include in a Welcome Letter for your Destination Wedding” post.